The Floow 

In 2012, Aldo Monteforte founded The Floow alongside co-founders Dr Sam Chapman and Paul Ridgway. He created The Floow with the mission to make mobility safer and smarter for everyone after spotting the potential to transform the telematics industry with the convergence of mobile technologies, large scale data mining and psychology applied to driver behaviour.

Aldo graduated from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, where he earned an MSc in Management (Sloan Fellows). He went on to have a successful career in investment banking before becoming an entrepreneur and investor in high growth telematics companies in 2000.

Now as CEO of The Floow, Aldo leads the sales and business development efforts and he is responsible for growing The Floow into the world leading provider of analytical insights at the service of the global automotive ecosystem.

Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2018
Data Conferenza
27-09-2018 alle 11:30 II Sessione Plenaria - Nuove frontiere dell'insurtech al servizio del cliente